- Board Meeting 3/12 7:00 pm -HBA Office - Durham St. !
- Board Meeting 3/12 7:00 pm -HBA Office - Durham St. !
Was founded in 1940 by the Borough of Hellertown and provides public water and sewer service to approximately 2,600 properties located within the Borough and nearby areas of Lower Saucon Township. We strive to provide outstanding customer service and our goal is to respond to and resolve all service requests as quickly as possible.
The Mission of the Hellertown Borough Authority (HBA) is one of public water and sewer service to the citizens of Hellertown and adjacent municipalities. We are charged with making evidence based decisions to ensure the highest quality drinking water through stewardship of our water resources and meeting regulations, and through regular maintenance and improvements to our water and sewer infrastructure to prolong their useful life both for the foreseeable and distant future (100 years). We pursue these goals mindful of the financial resources necessary to achieve them and the financial realities of our rate paying customers.
HBA will work in concert with the Borough and surrounding municipalities to facilitate expansion of its customer base when opportunities and abilities arise. HBA will also seek alternative forms of revenue when available including external grants when opportunities arise, all within the guiding context of Local, State and Federal regulations.
Adopted by the Board of Directors August 9, 2017
Providing clean water to residents for almost 80 years!
Position: PART TIME - Utility Clerk
Please note that you must now register to make online payments. To do this, you will need your account number and your 5 digit pin number which is located top center portion of your bill card. If you do not have access to your pin number, please contact the office at 610-838-8051.
Follow along as one of our board member presents best watershed management practices
The Hellertown Borough Authority Board voted in 2022 on a five year rate schedule, that will be reviewed annually, with the goal of aligning revenue to expenses. We remain committed to this process and seek, through strategic improvements, to minimize expenses and the fixed costs you pay. Rate making strategies help align the fixed rate structure with fixed expenses for water and wastewater and minimize the need for high annual rate increases, particularly during times of high inflation. For the year 2024, the volumetric charge for water, decreased, to $2.65. Lastly the sewer charge, based off of water consumption, increased by only $0.06/1000 gallons, for 2024. In summary, there are many things to consider in how utility rates are set, including providing high quality water while still meeting stringent state and federal requirements, maintaining our aging infrastructure, adopting advancements in technology, and covering the growing costs of materials. These expenses must be balanced with our commitment to customer and community service affordability. We will never waiver in our commitment in providing the highest quality water and wastewater service while also being fiscally responsible to our valued customers.
Next Board Meeting Time : - March 12, 2025 , 2025 - 7 PM EST
Location * Hellertown Borough Authority Building
501 Durham Str. Hellertown PA 18055
March 12, 2025 Board Meeting Agenda
Monthly meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Stop by and find out the latest on news and projects with the authority.
(Meetings held at Authority Building)
Watch our latest video on ways to become involved with the Authority!
Hellertown Borough Authority ~ 2025
Phone : 610-838-8051 | Fax :610-838-8647
Providing water and sewer services in Hellertown Pennsylvania